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A sacred masculine journey

Whakatu Rākau is an opportunity to connect in with your sacred masculine through the forms I mostly value. 


These forms were taught to me inside of Mau Rākau over the many years growing up in Te Tai Rawhiti.

Adapted within the teachings and learnings I have with Martial Arts, Weaponry, Stunt training and Spiritual teachings, Whakatu Rākau is a place to meet your sacred masculine inside of a form you can grasp

 In a time where connection feels spread and lost, give yourself the connection you deserve by using the templates of indigenous teachings to give you access again. 

Season 3 - WAI PUAROA - Shedding our waters

STARTS Dec 6th - 1st January

Monday, Wednesday, Friday 

Uploaded onto website access - you must purchase the season package and become a member

Saturday - Live session

These sessions will have a focus on sacred waters within yourself and your environment. These practices will involve cultural movement, weaponry, kaarakia and a Tapu Tane development space for the masculine. Just because it says Tapu Tane doesn't mean women cannot join...all are welcome.

Upon booking your season an email verification will be sent to you and you will be added to the Whakatu Rākau members page where you will have access to your classes. You can catch up on your classes online and join the live Saturday session. 

We look forward to meeting you in the 16 sessions ahead


Please become a site member so you have access to the class upon doing your season

*payment plans available in pricing and plans

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I decided when I had my first child that it wasn't enough for me to practice on the Marae, back home, when I'm doing hakaz or in some sort of wananga that the only way to be true to my forms, teachers and mentors was to live it.  I trained at the Marae, I trained in the clubs but sometimes training all your life as a youth doesn't help your practice for what you need as a father, husband and individual. Over the years I've learned that if I am not living it, the practice becomes a training that's only worn when I'm in those environments but when it IS you, you live and breathe and walk with the teachings. With a few stuff ups of course but it always takes you back there. 


I have over 20 years experience in Martial arts and Mau Rākau weaponry and 12 years of a father and husband. I believe the relationships of true connection are the same foundation of what I was taught in my childhood. Connection...and..a connection without control. 


12 years on I live my teachings and practices I grew up with, with my whānau and do my best to help support and raise the courage of others through sharing what I know has worked for me and so many others over the years. 

I grew up learning to be my culture, now I teach how to live it, with my family as this foundation. 

Wai Puaroa

Wai Puaroa

Wai Puaroa
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Waipuaroa - Whakatū Rākau - Bring about your Balance - WATCH IN HD

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Pounamu Rikiriki engagement programme - By Tūrongo Collective WATCH IN HD

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Tune into our instagram page to see updates and further testimonials. 


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