Please seek the pricing plan specific to your service
There are a few offerings we have within Tūrongo Collective. Please be sure to choose the correct pricing plan for the type of service.
Eg: Raah Medicinals, Indigenous Mentoring, Akonga Mau Rakau, Self Mastery Sessions
Keep your details secure, never screen shot your details.

Essentials Native Medicine
The most important session for ALL FIRST TIME CLIENTS is an Emotional Trauma Release session also known as an ETR. Book yourself a pricing plan to get your sessions discounted. All first time clients need to have an ETR because this is the safest and most basic form of the healing work that is required. This is also to familiarise yourself with the FASTING and CLEANSING requirements. You must fast for 2 days with 600 calories as a maximum. Either completely on WATER or purely on JUICE...fresh JUICE. Unless you are on a nutritional cleansing system through us then that will also be about your two days of cleansing. You must prepare yourself prior to the session as noone should enter the room you are in during the session if we are online. (It is also advisable that all first time clients have their session online, unless discussed with Milly about an in person session. Once your clearing has intiated then we have built an understanding around what the work is and how heavy and extensive the work is. This work requires you to have your areas of your life in ACTION. You may join our SELF MASTERY sessions which are regular early morning 6am sessions to support physical movement. If you need assistance with nutritional support please request what may be able to offer you with regard to diet or a nutritional cleansing system. We look forward to working with you. This is a journey, for many it is life changing work in which your body will learn it loves because of how freeing the body then feels afterwards.

Best Value
Gold Sessions
5 sessions valued at $1000
Valid for 3 months
$130 per session
Emotional Trauma Release
Medicinal Session
Body Remedy
Offer your session to family to alleviate energy

Best Value
Bronze sessions
3 Sessions Valued at $600
Valid for 3 months
Emotional Trauma release sessions
Past Life regressions

Best Value
Silver Sessions
4 sessions valued at $800
Valid for 3 months
Emotional Trauma Release
Body remedy
Energy clearing

The self mastery sessions are your option to do healing through movement.
MON - FRI 6AM and afternoon and are relationship based. If you have a relationship with one of the members you may join.
TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY are free healing morning activations. If you would like to join please subscribe to the mailing list.

In our many years we have had the privilege of supporting many indigenous organisations and western organisations with education within health and wellness.